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Accutane loss of libido.NHS 'should not prescribe acne drug'

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Accutane side effects: Weight, fertility, and more.Isotretinoin (Accutane) and your vagina and urinary tract (and libido!) — My Vagina 


Accutane loss of libido


Isotretinoin has an impact on testosterone levels and other hormones, which have secondary effects on the body, along with the mucous membranes like the vagina and urinary tract. While the treatment is to improve skin, it also creates skin fragility and other issues, particularly around the vagina and anal area. There is a growing movement from young people taking isotretinoin Accutane reporting side effects that include ongoing sexual dysfunction years after they stopped treatment.

Sexual side-effects are NOT listed as a complication of this drug, but part of how it works is by affecting hormones like testosterone. Isotretinoin is known for some serious and sometimes severe side effects. These impacts limit its use, but the drug is still widely prescribed to young people globally due to a lack of other options for severe acne. The known side effects of isotretinoin include birth defects, thus the birth control pill is often prescribed to avoid accidental pregnancy.

Impacts of this drug include fragile skin, mood changes, fatigue, eczema, nose bleeds, muscle aches, eye problems, infections, and others, but it might not stop there.

Other severe side effects can include anxiety, fatigue, and an inability to feel pleasure. Those with vaginas may experience dryness, painful sex, loss of libido, numbness and the inability to orgasm, with a loss of periods, ovulation and fertility. Yeast infections are more likely. Others reported perianal dermatitis, fissures and bleeding. Higher doses saw worse effects. Side effects in those with a penis include low libido, erectile dysfunction, impotence, numbness, inability to orgasm, changes to ejaculate fluid, shrinkage of the penis and a lack of blood flow to erectile tissue.

Sexual desire and function can be completely wiped out. Some side-effects do not respond to treatment, nor improve with time, while others clear up once treatment is finished.

The longevity of some side effects, particularly sexual side effects, is a very serious and lifelong issue for those affected. The problems do not respond to any treatments and appear to be permanent. Remember, no sexual side effects are listed in the warnings. Twelve out of 20 taking isotretinoin developed depression, versus three in the control group.

These changes may be caused by an indirectly acting drug like isotretinoin. Isotretinoin has transcription factor activity, meaning it can alter transcription factor activity at gene promoters, resulting in the altered expression of receptors, signalling molecules and other proteins that can alter genetic regulatory circuits. Meaning, the drug can permanently alter the instructions a gene gives to the body.

When the drug is taken for an extended period of time, cells adapt, with more permanent modifications to DNA methylation and chromatin structure, ongoing.

This epigenetic hypothesis could explain many other conditions that occur post-treatment such as tardive dyskinesia or drug-induced systemic lupus erythematosus SLE. If this hypothesis is correct the consequences for modern medicine are profound, since it would imply that our current understanding of pharmacology is an oversimplification. We propose that epigenetic side-effects of pharmaceuticals may be involved in the etiology of heart disease, cancer, neurological and cognitive disorders, obesity, diabetes, infertility, and sexual dysfunction.

Isotretinoin is a drug used to treat cystic acne that works to reduce androgens, to damage or dry up oil glands in the skin to stop sebum production that drives acne. Androgens directly stimulate oil glands in the skin. More oil means more acne. Isotretinoin impacts other areas of the body including mucous membranes — found all over, but in particular the vagina, urinary tract, digestive tract and respiratory tract. It is understood the drug inhibits 5-a-reductase, which ultimately increases the conversion of testosterone to oestrogen, thus lowering testosterone levels and increasing oestrogen levels.

This drug robs the body of testosterone, increasing the impacts of oestrogen, particularly in the male body. We recommend you visit Riskan advocacy website, for further reading and more information.

Kolorex Vaginal Care Herbal Supplement. Kolorex Vaginal Care Cream. Chanel Essential Oil Pessary Blend. Jessica is a degree-qualified naturopath BHSc specialising in vulvovaginal health and disease, based in Melbourne, Australia.

Remember me Log in. Lost your password? Side effects of isotretinoin Isotretinoin is known for some serious and sometimes severe side effects. Why do long-term side effects occur? Understanding how isotretinoin works Isotretinoin is a drug used to treat cystic acne that works to reduce androgens, to damage or dry up oil glands in the skin to stop sebum production that drives acne.

References 1. Mucocutaneous adverse effects of the genital and perianal skin from isotretinoin therapy. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Published online October Isotretinoin and Staphylococcus aureus infection. A possible association. Arch Dermatol. Gynecomastia: a rare complication of isoretinoin?

Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology. Published online July 20, Published online January Rademaker M. Adverse effects of isotretinoin: A retrospective review of patients started on isotretinoin. Australasian Journal of Dermatology. Published online November Hanson N, Leachman S. Safety issues in isotretinoin therapy. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. Published online September Rossi M, Pellegrino M.

Acitretin-associated erectile dysfunction: a case report. Cases Journal. Published online November 19, Csoka AB, Szyf M. Epigenetic side-effects of common pharmaceuticals: A potential new field in medicine and pharmacology. Medical Hypotheses. Acta Derm Venerol. Published online Isotretinoin, tetracycline and circulating hormones in acne. Acta Derm Venereol. Posted on February 24, February 24, Last reviewed February 24, More good stuff Molluscum contagiosum on the vulva The virus molluscum contagiosum causes little pearly bumps to appear on the vulva, but only a few weeks after contact with an infected person.

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Accutane loss of libido -

    His father Derek, who made Dying For Clear Skin, a documentary about Roaccutane, after his son's death, believes the drug causes sexual dysfunction. Anemia may affect more than 1 in 10 people taking Accutane. More on this story.

Psychiatry professor Dr David Healy, who is a co-founder of website which collates information on drug side effects, has also warned of the dangers of the drug. Many patients are put on Roaccutane in their teens. And if it has such an impact on adults' sex drives, what effects could it be having during puberty? Amy was 31 when she first started taking Roaccutane. Describing herself as "incredibly private", she felt unable to speak to doctors about her sexual issues.

But although I stopped taking it after around six weeks and while Roche would probably deny it — the effects continue. I have been in a relationship for four years now, and my libido seems to have been crushed.

I can't orgasm it's as if the wiring isn't connected. Sometimes, sex makes me very sad. In an email sent to his parents before taking his own life in , Jesse Jones, 24, cited loss of libido since he started taking Roaccutane as a cause of despair. His father Derek, who made Dying For Clear Skin, a documentary about Roaccutane, after his son's death, believes the drug causes sexual dysfunction. Low mood can cause low libido, sure, but it works the other way too — sexual problems can have a bearing on your state of mind.

Despite the anecdotal evidence, there are still no concrete studies linking loss of libido to the drug, and most medical practitioners don't believe that a warning about sexual dysfunction is warranted. He also says that he has never had one of his patients complain about any sexual problems. After undergoing therapy, Sarah is recovering from her depression, but she now wants to see changes in the way Roaccutane is prescribed.

She also hopes talking about her experience will make others think twice before taking it. But is having clear skin worth risking years of misery and ruining your sex life for? The surprising everyday meds that could be messing with your libido. Talk to your GP about alternatives or crack out the condoms. Antihistamines Some over-the-counter allergy pills are linked to a loss of libido, but only while you're taking them.

Fish oil and vitamin C work as natural histamine blockers. Insomnia medication If you've been taking tablets containing benzodiazepines, they may be to blame for a dip in libido.

Talk to your GP about taking melatonin supplements instead. Strong painkillers, Those containing opiates, like Nurofen Plus, can affect libido temporarily. Accept additional cookies Reject additional cookies View cookies. Hide this message. Home Drug Safety Update. Isotretinoin Roaccutane : rare reports of erectile dysfunction and decreased libido.

Therapeutic area: Dermatology. Contents Sexual dysfunction Reminder of risk of mood disorders Call for reporting Further information. Post-publication note: October An Expert Working Group is reviewing the available evidence relating to isotretinoin.

Advice to healthcare professionals: be aware of reports of sexual side effects, including erectile dysfunction and decreased libido, in patients taking oral isotretinoin, indicated for severe acne the exact incidence of these adverse reactions is unknown but considering the number of patients in the UK taking the medicine, reports are understood to be rare report any suspected adverse reactions to isotretinoin or other medicines on a Yellow Card.

Published 26 October Related content Isotretinoin for severe acne: uses and effects. Explore the topic Alerts and recalls. Is this page useful? Maybe Yes this page is useful No this page is not useful. Thank you for your feedback. Report a problem with this page. There is a growing movement from young people taking isotretinoin Accutane reporting side effects that include ongoing sexual dysfunction years after they stopped treatment.

Sexual side-effects are NOT listed as a complication of this drug, but part of how it works is by affecting hormones like testosterone. Isotretinoin is known for some serious and sometimes severe side effects. These impacts limit its use, but the drug is still widely prescribed to young people globally due to a lack of other options for severe acne.

The known side effects of isotretinoin include birth defects, thus the birth control pill is often prescribed to avoid accidental pregnancy. Impacts of this drug include fragile skin, mood changes, fatigue, eczema, nose bleeds, muscle aches, eye problems, infections, and others, but it might not stop there.

Other severe side effects can include anxiety, fatigue, and an inability to feel pleasure. Those with vaginas may experience dryness, painful sex, loss of libido, numbness and the inability to orgasm, with a loss of periods, ovulation and fertility. Yeast infections are more likely.

Others reported perianal dermatitis, fissures and bleeding. Higher doses saw worse effects. Side effects in those with a penis include low libido, erectile dysfunction, impotence, numbness, inability to orgasm, changes to ejaculate fluid, shrinkage of the penis and a lack of blood flow to erectile tissue. Sexual desire and function can be completely wiped out. Some side-effects do not respond to treatment, nor improve with time, while others clear up once treatment is finished.

The longevity of some side effects, particularly sexual side effects, is a very serious and lifelong issue for those affected. The problems do not respond to any treatments and appear to be permanent.

Remember, no sexual side effects are listed in the warnings. Twelve out of 20 taking isotretinoin developed depression, versus three in the control group. These changes may be caused by an indirectly acting drug like isotretinoin.

Isotretinoin has transcription factor activity, meaning it can alter transcription factor activity at gene promoters, resulting in the altered expression of receptors, signalling molecules and other proteins that can alter genetic regulatory circuits.

Meaning, the drug can permanently alter the instructions a gene gives to the body. When the drug is taken for an extended period of time, cells adapt, with more permanent modifications to DNA methylation and chromatin structure, ongoing. This epigenetic hypothesis could explain many other conditions that occur post-treatment such as tardive dyskinesia or drug-induced systemic lupus erythematosus SLE. If this hypothesis is correct the consequences for modern medicine are profound, since it would imply that our current understanding of pharmacology is an oversimplification.

We propose that epigenetic side-effects of pharmaceuticals may be involved in the etiology of heart disease, cancer, neurological and cognitive disorders, obesity, diabetes, infertility, and sexual dysfunction. Isotretinoin is a drug used to treat cystic acne that works to reduce androgens, to damage or dry up oil glands in the skin to stop sebum production that drives acne.

Androgens directly stimulate oil glands in the skin. More oil means more acne.

When she was first given the drug, a small, brown, plastic-coated pill no bigger than her fingernail, Sarah was ecstatic at the prospect of curing the acne that had plagued her face and ruined her confidence for the best part of a decade. The flaming, carbuncle-like spots first appeared when she was 11, and over nine years her GP had prescribed every cream and antibiotic available, to no avail.

As she approached her 20th birthday, salvation came from a dermatologist at a local hospital. There was, Sarah was told, a powerful new drug that could help people like her. Of course there were some possible side effects, she was told quickly. But nothing more than the odd nosebleed — and even they were rare. The dermatologist had her sign a disclaimer of which she never received a copythen gave her the prescription. The name of the drug Roaccutane.

It was remarkable. In just a few months, Sarah's skin almost completely cleared — but her quality of life took a terrifying turn. The nosebleeds came first — two or three a day. Next, her hair thinned, her joints ached, her eyes got so dry they were painful to close, and her skin now clear and smooth was extremely tender to the touch, as if she had been acutely sunburnt. And she felt low a kind of black, lingering lowness she just couldn't seem to shift.

A brief Google shows symptoms like these, experienced by women taking Roaccutane, are not uncommon. In fact, it comes with a warning that depression, though rare, can be a side effect. After all, it's an extremely powerful drug one of its key components is isotretinoin, which was originally developed as a chemotherapy drug.

What Roaccutane's manufacturers don't make clear, however, is that there are reports that it could also kill your sex drive. And when we did try, it was so painful we'd have to stop. Here's the scary thing: hundreds of Roaccutane users have reported devastating blows to their libido — even years after they'd stopped taking the drug.

Roaccutane is seen by many doctors as a "miracle" drug that cures acne by reducing the body's natural oil production. But its critics have long claimed its side effects can be far worse than users are led to expect when they are first prescribed it. The drug was withdrawn from sale in the US, where it's known as Accutane, following thousands of lawsuits against Roche the company that makes itwhich involved claims of birth defects, suicides and acute bowel conditions.

The company claims the decision was solely for business reasons, including "re-evaluation" of its product line, rather than over concerns about its safety. It concluded that there was no proof of any such side effects. Complaints about sexual dysfunction have not been examined — despite widespread anecdotal evidence.

The problem is that "official" complaints to medical practitioners are thin on the ground. Some argue that it's because patients are too embarrassed to discuss their sex lives with a GP. But much of the medical community who distribute Roaccutane say it's because the problems don't actually exist. Still, Sarah believes her loss of libido and the pain she felt during sex were caused by the drug. Nobody warned me what could happen, which is why I'm so angry about it.

And Sarah is not alone. A quick glance at internet forums reveals hundreds of Roaccutane users describing sexual problems women's stories about vaginal dryness, painful sex, loss of libido and inability to orgasm, and men reporting erectile dysfunction and impotence.

Many users say the symptoms continued for a while after they stopped taking it or are even apparently permanent. On one forum, a man writes "My ability to get an erection has disappeared, I don't feel horny anymore. While on it, if my boyfriend and I had sex, I'd be so dry it felt like sandpaper.

I'd end up in tears as it was so painful. Now, in order for him to enter me we have to use lubrication. I no longer have a desire for sex, and I'm often unable to orgasm.

A Spain study of male Roaccutane users did, in fact, suggest that sexual problems are more common than generally believed. Despite the size of the study just 20 men took partits results were startling six of them developed erectile dysfunction. Psychiatry professor Dr David Healy, who is a co-founder of website which collates information on drug side effects, has also warned of the dangers of the drug.

Many patients are put on Roaccutane in their teens. And if it has such an impact on adults' sex drives, what effects could it be having during puberty? Amy was 31 when she first started taking Roaccutane. Describing herself as "incredibly private", she felt unable to speak to doctors about her sexual issues. But although I stopped taking it after around six weeks and while Roche would probably deny it — the effects continue.

I have been in a relationship for four years now, and my libido seems to have been crushed. I can't orgasm it's as if the wiring isn't connected. Sometimes, sex makes me very sad. In an email sent to his parents before taking his own life inJesse Jones, 24, cited loss of libido since he started taking Roaccutane as a cause of despair.

His father Derek, who made Dying For Clear Skin, a documentary about Roaccutane, after his son's death, believes the drug causes sexual dysfunction. Low mood can cause low libido, sure, but it works the other way too — sexual problems can have a bearing on your state of mind. Despite the anecdotal evidence, there are still no concrete studies linking loss of libido to the drug, and most medical practitioners don't believe that a warning about sexual dysfunction is warranted.

He also says that he has never had one of his patients complain about any sexual problems. After undergoing therapy, Sarah is recovering from her depression, but she now wants to see changes in the way Roaccutane is prescribed. She also hopes talking about her experience will make others think twice before taking it. But is having clear skin worth risking years of misery and ruining your sex life for?

The surprising everyday meds that could be messing with your libido. Talk to your GP about alternatives or crack out the condoms. Antihistamines Some over-the-counter allergy pills are linked to a loss of libido, but only while you're taking them. Fish oil and vitamin C work as natural histamine blockers. Insomnia medication If you've been taking tablets containing benzodiazepines, they may be to blame for a dip in libido.

Talk to your GP about taking melatonin supplements instead. Strong painkillers, Those containing opiates, like Nurofen Plus, can affect libido temporarily.

Pop a lighter painkiller, or for PMS try evening primrose oil. The Roaccutane isotretinoin Product Information PIapproved by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration TGAfully reflects this global safety monitoring and includes side effects and adverse events which may be caused by, or associated with, Roaccutane.

These include reports of depression and suicide. However, review of available medical information has not been able to confirm or refute causal association of Roaccutane with these events. Reports of sexual dysfunction do not appear in the PI. The PI and Consumer Medicine Information CMI documents are widely available and are intended to be reviewed by healthcare professionals and patients in order to assess the risks and benefits of appropriate treatment options. Over 17 million people worldwide have taken Roaccutane for the treatment of severe acne.

Oct 16,

localhost › articles › accutane-side-effects. The sexual symptoms which occur as a result of isotretinoin in men include erectile dysfunction, impotence, partial or complete loss of libido. Side effects in those with a penis include low libido, erectile dysfunction, impotence, numbness, inability to orgasm, changes to ejaculate. Sexual function and fertility Accutane does not appear to affect fertility. However, scientists have found a link between Accutane and sexual side effects, such as: erectile dysfunction. localhost › articles › accutane-side-effects. Jesse later died, in Here's the scary thing: hundreds of Roaccutane users have reported devastating blows to their libido — even years after they'd stopped taking the drug. Roaccutane, the brand name the drug isotretinoin is most commonly marketed under, is used by about 30, people in the UK each year. Many people say it has boosted their self esteem and mental health by treating the acne. And she felt low a kind of black, lingering lowness she just couldn't seem to shift. Learn about its treatment and prevention here. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in.

The parents of young people who have killed themselves and patients unable to have sex are calling for the NHS to stop prescribing acne drug Roaccutane.

Ed Henthorn said it had caused him erectile dysfunction, psychosis and suicidal thoughts. And one man who believes his son killed himself after taking the drug said the risks "are just too high".

Manufacturer Roche said "millions of patients worldwide have benefited from taking the drug". The majority of those who take the drug have a positive experience. He was 19 when he took Roaccutane. He describes his acne as mild but bad enough to want to treat. After three weeks he started to experience side-effects, including reduced energy and sex drive. What does the NHS say about Roaccutane? In its guidance about the options available for acne treatment , the NHS says Roaccutane isotretinoin is only recommended for severe cases of acne that haven't responded to other treatments.

The NHS acknowledges there have been reports of people experiencing mood changes while taking the drug. Its advice says, while there is no evidence these changes were caused by Roaccutane, patients should speak to their doctor immediately if they feel depressed or anxious, or if they have feelings of aggression or suicidal thoughts. Roaccutane, the brand name the drug isotretinoin is most commonly marketed under, is used by about 30, people in the UK each year.

Campaigners want it banned from NHS prescriptions, arguing its continuing side-effects mean its risks outweigh the benefits. Mr Henthorn said he still suffers five years after his last dose. He said it had thwarted his hopes of completing university and pursuing a career.

It was pretty overwhelming," he added. I'm just kind of at home. The drug's just turned my life upside down. Warnings about depression and other psychiatric side-effects were added to the drug's patient information leaflet in Two years ago, a new warning was added to say some people would be affected by problems getting or maintaining an erection and lower libido.

But Roche said while Roaccutane had side-effects - "like most medications It added: "Isotretinoin was a prescription-only medicine and therefore can only be safely used under the care and supervision of suitably qualified healthcare professionals.

It said it continually assessed the benefits and risks of its medicines. Many people say it has boosted their self esteem and mental health by treating the acne.

Sarah Perkins makes YouTube videos about coping with acne. I'm confident in my own skin. Dermatologist Dr Juber Hafiji said it was a very effective treatment for acne. David Healy, professor of psychology at Bangor University, said there were many other drugs that could affect someone's ability to have sex.

But the issue with Roaccutane, he added, was how serious the problem could be and how long it could last for. NICE is planning to publish guidance on all acne treatments by and said it always considered the safety of drugs in its guidelines.

The drug can be prescribed in Scotland, although the Scottish Medicines Consortium said it would not have assessed Roaccutane because it predates the creation of the SMC. Derek Jones's son Jesse had two courses of Roaccutane, and experienced side-effects in relation to his sex drive. The coroner at Jesse's inquest recorded a narrative verdict. His use of Roaccutane was not considered as a contributing factor. In a draft email found by his parents, Jesse had written: "Roaccutane seems to have changed the way my mind and body works in a big way.

Mr Jones, like other campaigners, believes the drug is too dangerous to be prescribed on the NHS. I think the risks are just too high. Roche said: "Isotretinoin product information carries a clear warning that some patients may experience loss of libido and mood changes, including an increase in depression.

It added research by the British Medical Research in had not established "an observed increased risk of suicide" and that the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency [MHRA] had concluded in it was not possible to identify a clear increase in risk of psychiatric disorders.

It also said continuing safety reviews in Europe had suggested a causal relationship between isotretinoin, sexual dysfunction and depression was still unclear.

An MHRA spokeswoman said it kept the safety of the drug under review, with only consultant dermatologists who had a full understanding of its risks and monitoring requirements able to prescribe it.

They added: "As with all medicines, isotretinoin can cause side effects and these are detailed in the product information provided with the medicine. The possible side effects should be discussed with patients before they are prescribed it. Concern over rise in acne drug use.

Ed Henthorn says the drug has "turned my life upside down". By Josephine McDermott. Then he experienced erectile dysfunction. Derek Jones believes the drug is too dangerous to be prescribed on the NHS. Another version of the drug is marketed by Alliance. Clear labels. Image source, Family photo. It led him to take Viagra, aged Jesse later died, in But Mr Jones believes his son took his own life.

More on this story.


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